

Why this project

•Aging individuals need help because they have difficulty in meeting their own care.

•The first is formal care offered by public and private institutions. The other is informal care given by family members.

•Caring for the elderly who need care and support is not an easy process for caregivers.

•While caregivers carry out these responsibilities, they also experience some psychosocial and physical difficulties

•There is no structured, planned and valid support program for family members who play an important role in the care process.


•it is aimed to create a Family Guide to prevent and reduce the social and emotional burdens of family members who care for elderly individuals.

•Thus, individuals who provide informal care will increase their quality of life through distinguishing the right information, solving their existing problems, expert information, solution suggestions, pill information, case studies and approaches, and structured practices.


•Family Guide

•Web platform

•E-learning module

• Videos  pilot trainings

Target  groups

Direct target groups

1.Family members giving informal care

2.Elderly individuals; (after 65 age)

Target groups that will be indirectly affected by the project activities;

1.Professional caregivers, nurse assistants, sick home elderly care specialists.

2.Health Institutions;

3.NGOs working on active aging.

4.Patient and elderly care centers operating in the private sector and centers providing elderly care at home.

5.University health department teachers, students and other employees.

6.Due to the Ukraine war, there have been many emigrations to Poland, Turkey and Germany. Priority will be given to the elderly affected by the Ukraine war and their family members caring for them in pilot training.

Responsibilities: General

•To execute the budgets of the project in an appropriate, transparent and provable manner and to report the relevant documents.

•To organize project meetings in his own country. Preparing related presentations, documents, press releases and making process management.

•To organize dissemination activities in their own countries and to create printed or digital documents in this context and to get approval from the coordinating institution.

•To provide regular and timely communication within the consortium

•To communicate with stakeholders in their own countries for the objectives of the project and to provide relevant documents, materials, etc. to share the presentations by translating them into the project language

Responsibilities: Buwit:

•As the project is the applicant, it is the leading institution in coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the activities.

•To conduct and evaluate surveys in his own country for the “Family Guide”, which was decided as a result of joint discussions with the consortium stakeholders.

•Determining the titles of the “Family Guide” training program with the opinions of the consortium partners and allocating the tasks to the partner institutions in order to write the training program.

•Creating the project web platform.

•Preparing the promotional video to be used in partner countries within the scope of dissemination. Brochure, poster etc.

•To prepare dissemination activities.

•To give pilot trainings on the “Family Guide” in their own country.

•Coordinating the meetings to be held in partner countries within the scope of activities.

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