Coding and Robotics

Coding and Robotics
This course mainly focuses on work with special needs children. You will not only improve your theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area but also get practical tips and methods which will help you create a supportive learning environment that is beneficial for all pupils, not only for special needs children.

Application form relevant topics
Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities – special needs, Inclusion – equity

Course Methodology
The course content and fundamental information will be introduced through thematic modules by several tutors. It is based on practical demonstrations, hands-on approach and active participation within a group which is composed of international participants with similar interests and needs.

Module 01 – Special needs: theoretical background (physical disorders, psychiatric disorders, emotional problems, behavioural problems, learning disorders (or disabilities, gifted and talented children)

Module 02 – Integration and inclusion, exclusion, mainstreaming, identification risks, factors and barriers

Module 03 – Communication and cooperation with parents and family, examples of the best practices

Module 04 – Information easy to read and understand

Module 05 – Structural learning for students with autism, Individual Education plan

Module 06 – Dealing with Dyslexia and ADHD in an Inclusive classroom,

Module 07 – Drama and Art activities for cognitive learning

Module 08 – Activities for gifted and talented children

Module 09 – Developing creative thinking, (Task Based Learning, Problem Based Learning, Experiential Learning, Real World Task)

Module 10 – Teaching multicultural classes (mutual understanding and respect)

Module 11 – Use of ICT, Project Based learning and cross curricular activity in an inclusive classroom

Guided City Tour
Learning outcomes
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of approaches such as inclusion, integration and mainstreaming in order to enhance good quality of education and training for all learners.

Gain techniques for working with heterogeneous classrooms and communities, deal with increased diversity of learners, support inclusion of various minorities into mainstream education.

Generate ready‐to‐use materials and methods to improve educational practices in the field of special needs children education, promote universal access to education with regards to non-discriminatory values.

Identify risk factors and different types of barriers, improve primary, selective and indicated prevention, increase synergies between education, research and innovative interventional activities.

Increase broader understanding of strategies and systems dealing with special needs children in different countries, cultivate mutual respect and intercultural awareness.

Support continual professional development, revise and improve key competences, build confidence in promoting pedagogies that are supportive to special needs children and social and cultural diversity.

Meet colleagues of different nationalities within the EU, engage in cross-cultural learning experience, exchange ideas and build a network for future international cooperation.

Enrich communication skills, improve foreign language competencies, broaden professional vocabulary and promote EU’s broad linguistic diversity, embed common educational and training values.

General Course Information
Before the Course:

You would be required to fill a Questionnaire.
You will receive “ITC Guide Document” where you will find all the necessary information.

After the Course:

Course evaluation form
Course materials in electronical form / Other materials for self-study and dissemination of good practice.

Event Calendar

Event Calendar

Month Date Days
January 27-28-29-30-31 Monday-Friday
February 24-25-26-27-28 Monday-Friday
March 24-25-26-27-28 Monday-Friday
April 28-29-30 Monday-Wednesday
May 26-27-28-29-30 Monday-Friday
June 23-24-25-26-27 Monday-Friday
July 28-29-30-31 Monday-Thursday
August 25-26-27-28-29 Monday-Friday
September 22-23-24-25-26 Monday-Friday
October 27-28-29-30-31 Monday-Friday
November 24-25-26-27-28 Monday-Friday
December 22-23-24-25-26 Monday-Friday

To participate in the course, please fill out the form below.