• Extracurricular Activities (ECA)

    Extracurricular Activities (ECA)


    Erasmus+ Course Overview Extracurricular Activities (ECA) are usually voluntary activities which are outside of traditional school curriculum. In this course you will get acquainted with diverse examples of activities which develop learner’s passion and…

  • Task Based Learning

    Task Based Learning


    ERASMUS+ Course Overview Task Based Learning (TBL) is an innovative teaching method that brings, students collaboration and authentic communication into an educational context. In this course you will learn about all aspects of…

  • Approaching Multicultural Issues and Mixed Ability Classes

    Approaching Multicultural Issues and Mixed Ability Classes

    Course Overview Today’ classroom is a crossroad, where learners from various cultures and different abilities meet. This course enables you to deal with 21st century classroom challenges and provides practical guide to teachers…

  • Montessori Education Method

    Montessori Education Method

    Erasmus+ Course Overview This training course in “Montessori Educational Method” aims to develop in students professional competences as future teachers of the Montessori Method to children from 1/2 to 13 years of age. Students…

  • Flipped Classroom

    Flipped Classroom

    ERASMUS+ Course Overview Task Based Learning (TBL) is an innovative teaching method that brings, students collaboration and authentic communication into an educational context. In this course you will learn about all aspects of…

  • Innovative Approaches to Teaching

    Innovative Approaches to Teaching


    ERASMUS+ Course Overview The course Innovative Approaches to Teaching is a practical guide which helps to improve quality and effectivity of educational process in any classroom. Encouraging creativity, organising projects, integrating minority pupils…

  • Encouraging Creative Thinking

    Encouraging Creative Thinking


    ERASMUS+ course Overview Creative thinking is considered to be a key skill for 21st century. Encouraging Creative Thinking (ECT) course will not only challenge your own creativity but also provide you with innovative,…

  • Maker Spaces in Education – Getting started

    Maker Spaces in Education – Getting started


    This course aims to give participants a deeper understanding of what makerspaces are and how makerspaces can be used in schools to support teaching.  This course is also designed to help teachers come…

  • Social Media in the Classroom

    Social Media in the Classroom

    A 1 Week ERASMUS+ Teacher Training Course available in Praha. SUGGESTED COMPUTER PROFICIENCY: BASIC The course has been created for teachers who want to learn about social media and its application in the classroom.…

  • Intercultural Classroom Management

    Intercultural Classroom Management


    Erasmus+ Course Overview This Erasmus+ course is for teachers working in multicultural classes. Diversity challenges traditional teaching strategies and asks for innovative solutions.  This introductory course will address issues such as: how is…


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